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wanna head back?

Aquamoria. Main story I'm working on, a bunch of anthropomorphic creatures thrown onto a junk planet because humanity decided they actually don't want them roaming earth and taking up extra land space. Turns out they actually thrive there somehow and they see humans as some sort of godlike entity and try to mimic them via whatever scraps of history they may have acidentally sent there (tis slightly unrelated to the actual story but whatever). including in those scraps of history isss fucking POLITICS!! YAY!!! i'll continue working on this backstory later i dont feel like it right now

waka waka



Unnamed stove



current vivian design
thats her

common raccoon dog girl thing. Her age is somewhere between 10-14 (most likely 13), and she knows a litol bit of magic. In-universe, she isn't the main hero of the story, rather a side character that the story focuses on rather than the main hero himself. THIS BIO SUCKS ASS

Pyhsical Decsription

Vivian is a short, about 3'7", female raccoon dog. Her main fur color is a dull purple (although it seems tan due to its with other colors), and she has lighter (on the base of the tail, on her muzzle and bottom face fluff, under the paws and at the tip of her ears) and darker accents (on her face akin to a racoon, her base ear color, a stripe over the paws and at the tip of her tail). She has two fluffs on either side of her face, large triangle-shaped ears, and a tail almost 3/4 her height that dissipates at the end.

She wears off-black rainboots; dark-gray-navy blue pants; a gray-navy, rather loose hoodie with a folded down collar and a silver zipper; and what seems to be a modified bowler hat with a lavender ribbon wrapping the hat over the base, ending in a bow, and an extension starting from the bottom of the hat and curving back up, ending in a star-shaped crystal (it would probably be easier to think of it as a sideways, bent witch's hat). She also has a black umbrella with an unscrewable base and a blue cone-shaped ferrule.

alt vivian design
public doodle
to be replaced

In public spaces, she wears black off-black dress shoes rather than rainboots and a dark violet quilt as an overcoat. The quilt has tassles on all sides (although its prominent on the bottom due to them being tucked in on every other side while she's wearing it), and it has a checkered pattern, with square patches with doodles covering some squares.

Personality Attempt

kinda sort of sucks

She's a bit naive, although it's likely two people need to tell her something for her to believe it unless she already trusts them.
She can't say lies that well, and if pressured to lie she'd usually either: warp the truth, almost telling the full story but omitting parts she was told to; or simply tell the truth while including the fact that she was told to lie, possibly stammering and trying to revert that part.
She's quite kind to strangers and would probably try to talk to most people she knows, even people that seem shady, although she's be noticably offput by them. Uhhhhh she holds grudges and she is Queer (as in odd)

She would fall for the "it says gullible on the ceiling" joke by the way

likes n shite



she knows a bit of magic, although the only way she can use it is because of the star crystal at the end of her hat.* The crystal itself is unnamed as of now, although i usually excuse it as a radioactive piece of cobalt when I need to explain it.. Only a bit though, as of the beginning of the story the most she can do is use it as a third hand and create short blasts that knock people back shortly. Finally, magic physically drains her abit.

*she may have a similar looking crystal at the end of her umbrella, although it isnt the same type as the one at the end of her hat. The one on her umbrella is just a piece of sodalite that she carved and sold the excess of.

unrelated to magic, she can use her umbrella as a simple blunt attack, and, due to her fishing, she cas multiple small hooks if she truly needs a sharp attack. Despite this, she doesn't quite lick attacking people, she's never used her hooks as weapons and she mostly uses her umbrella to push someone away



Unless otherwise stated, everything is drawn by me.

random doodle
outdated render
Outdated render.
original render, drawn by lapisbites
Original render, Drawn by Lapisbites.

spectra [WIP]

Hummingbird moth. Her age is around somwhere from 25-40. While she was also adopted, unlike Vivian her design has changed a whole lot since I first owned her and pretty much the only things keeping the two designs the same OC is that they're both based on a bee-like creature and they're both named spectra. She weilds a modified morningstar.

Pyhsical Decsription

Spectra is about 6"2'. Her skin (?) color is a golden yellow, and her eyes have yellow sclera with white irises. Her hair is a more orange yellow, and she has hexagonal antannae. She has a tan hood connected to a fluffy tan scarf, a striped dress, split into 2 parts (the bottom part has holes for her second set of arms, covered with a skirt-like fabric above it), spiked & flared at the end, desaturated purple boots, and uhhhhhhh

personality attempt

likes n shite



Her main weapon is a modified morning star. It has a chain running through the middle of it, allowing it to be a flail if said chain it let go and allowing it to be a morningstar is helf close. Without it, she knows a good amount of street fighting, and she has a second pair of arms cuz. shes a bug .
